Car Issues Are Brewing Right Under Your Nose
When there is a problem with your car’s engine, the check engine light should illuminate. Even if it does not turn on, your vehicle is not out of the woods. In some cases, you’ll have to keep an eye out for subtle hints that you need an auto repair.
Speaking of which, here are some hints to keep in mind to ensure that your ride isn’t experiencing mechanical issues.
The Color of the Exhaust Smoke
Have you ever noticed any changes in the emissions of your car? That should be cause for concern, especially if the emission is of an unusual color. Because the exhaust is a byproduct of your car’s engine, the change could indicate that something is wrong with your vehicle.
Take note of the color when your car emits smoke with some hints of color. Black smoke could indicate that the engine is using too much fuel. A blue one, on the other hand, may indicate the presence of oil in the combustion chamber. The white smoke is most likely caused by coolant leaking into the engine.
Strange Noises
Listen to your car while driving. Is it making any unusual noises? If the sound persists, have your vehicle inspected by an automotive service provider.
A grinding noise that occurs when you step on the brake is an unusual sound that may indicate that your vehicle requires assistance. Furthermore, a whining transmission is not a good sign. Is that noise coming from underneath the hood? Take it as a hint that repairs are required.
While this one isn’t particularly subtle, most drivers will have difficulty detecting it. After all, most drivers won’t be able to see what’s going on beneath their cars. Unless, of course, they come to a complete stop and inspect the floor for any drip marks.
Nonetheless, we cannot emphasize enough how dangerous leaks can be. Keep in mind that your vehicle requires a variety of fluids to safely operate its complex mechanical system. If such fluids run out, you and your passengers may be in danger the next time you drive.
If you require professional automotive service in Grapevine, TX, know that Christian's Auto Repair is here to assist you. Call us at (817) 859-2959 today and we’ll help you figure out what’s wrong with your ride!